We are missionaries to the United States revealing the truth about:
America's Christian Heritage
...and the Devilisms Satan is using to destroy America!
...and the Devilisms Satan is using to destroy America!
We use living history and multi-media presentations to educate Americans.*
* "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..." (Hosea 4:6)
To contribute to our ministry financially, please click this link.
Our Education Ministry motivates Christians to yield their all to Christ so we can turn America around, and we invite the lost to be saved! Here is how we do it:
We can do presentations at your church, school, or special event! Call or email today! Partner with us here!
America needs committed Christians!
Since the early 1960's when God's Word and prayer were removed from our Nation's public schools:
“It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great Nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” - Founding Father Patrick Henry
The Charlands: Missionaries to the United States confirming the churches (Acts 15:41) since September 2013!
We explain why God blessed our Founding Fathers, how Satan led America away from the absolute truths of the Bible, and how Christians today can turn America back to Christ!
Our educational ministry has been making a difference in America - invite us to speak at your church, school, or special event today!
Call Today! 325-269-1990
***Bearing Fruit for eternity:
1300 professions of faith so far!***
*Featured Testimonial: "I have ministered in at least 10 churches and 6 Christian schools over the years, and I have only seen a handful of God’s servants being used as you are being used by the Lord. It’s exciting to see and a privilege to support you folks financially and in prayer." (Pastor Greg Judy Galmey Community Bible Church, Wheatland, MO)
Bro. Charland is a professional educator and preacher; he and his wife are experienced living history re-enactors:
- Partnering with local churches to reach their communities! (We provide an advertisement flyer for each presentation that can be printed and distributed to bring in crowds!)
- Reaching the lost and unchurched for Christ!
- Encouraging Christians to yield fully to Christ!
Schedule us for:
Click here to learn about our other Ministries to Help Churches and Christians!