Join the Fight!
If you feel helpless as you watch America's Christian influence disappear from our culture, politics, law, and education, then join with us to turn things around!
We must be willing to sacrifice as our Founding Fathers did! Of the 56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence:
During Colonial times, citizen soldiers joined together to fight for liberty and the cause of Christ in America! Our Founding Fathers pledged their "lives, fortunes, and sacred honor." Today we need citizen soldiers to join with us to fight the Spiritual fight! Instead of taking up arms, we need to use the Word of God. You can contribute to keeping us on the front lines by using the power of the purse, as so many of our Founding Fathers did. YOU can play a vital role and make a difference!
Join With Us in the Battle for America!
There are several ways to support our ministry financially. You can make a one time gift or give monthly. Just follow the prompts. If you give via the blue Donate button or QR Code below, please provide your email address so we can thank you personally.
To donate using a credit/debit card or ACH (electronic check payment) use this button:
To donate using a Smart Phone scan this QR code:
To give using PayPal:
If you prefer, you can also make checks payable to:
Daniel Charland Ministries
235 CR 1248
Linden, TX 75563
Daniel Charland Ministries
235 CR 1248
Linden, TX 75563
Make a one-time donation:
We recommend the following amounts:
Give monthly:
Any amount contributed is appreciated and essential to keeping us on the front lines!
Join the ranks of the Minutemen! Exclusive Contributor Benefits!
If you become a monthly contributor, or give at the Two-star level or above, we will add you to the ranks of our Minutemen! You will receive updates via email after important events occur! In addition, we will send praise reports and prayer requests as applicable so you can have a more active role in the work of the ministry!
Souls are being saved! Christians are being Challenged! Won't you prayerfully consider becoming a part of our ministry today? All Donations are tax deductible - but more importantly, when we give to the cause of Christ, we lay up treasure in Heaven, and grow the Kingdom of God!
If you become a monthly contributor, or give at the Two-star level or above, we will add you to the ranks of our Minutemen! You will receive updates via email after important events occur! In addition, we will send praise reports and prayer requests as applicable so you can have a more active role in the work of the ministry!
Souls are being saved! Christians are being Challenged! Won't you prayerfully consider becoming a part of our ministry today? All Donations are tax deductible - but more importantly, when we give to the cause of Christ, we lay up treasure in Heaven, and grow the Kingdom of God!